Road Safety
TotalEnergies Marketing Kenya is a major partner and contributor of the Safe Way Right Way (SWRW) NGO promoting road safety along the Northern Corridor.

The TotalEnergies "Be Alive" programme provides peer educators and Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) throughout the Company, with outreach to staff families and wider communities.

Environmental programmes have TotalEnergies Marketing Kenya’s highest priority, because a healthy environment underpins the prospects of all other activities, and Kenya’s environment faces the most immediate

The Company is actively involved in various educational and mentorship programmes with the aim of enriching young people’s skills and talents.


Tackling HIV and Malaria
Every year, malaria claims more than 1 million lives, while HIV/AIDS kills 2 million people. Developing countries such as Kenya are the hardest hit.

Sports and Culture

Social Responsibility
At TotalEnergies Marketing Kenya, we believe that the way to consolidate our social license to operate is to share our expertise and know-how, listen to our stakeholders and be a responsible corporate leader.